It seems I've opened a can of worms with this confession thing. Unthinkingly naming my last post Confession #1, I have distinctly implied that there must be a #2. And I know you've been anxiously awaiting (A girl can humor herself...especially at 5:30 am okay?).
Here goes...
In preparation for She Speaks, I read many articles, several of which said it would be good to have business cards with a photo on them to hand out to publishers, agents, women's ministry leaders, etc. so they could put a face to the name (if they were interested). So, I solicited help from my personal photographer, my sister. She's good....reeaall gooood. Did you know you could erase wrinkles in Photoshop? Lucky for me. Or unlucky? What happens when I meet the girls at the conference and they are expecting the airbrushed photo? Sorry girls. I'm preparing you for reality.
Also, I've had a really hard time ordering the business cards with my picture on them. Just like every time I post my writer page on facebook asking people to "like" me. I'm getting a little weary of seeing my own face so much (even if it is wrinkle free). This self-promotion thing is for the birds. But I am slowly learning...and I am hoping for wings.
One last thing...I am learning to live beyond fear. Speaking of birds and wings, I told my mom a few weeks ago that I felt like God was pushing me out of the nest. She reminded me of a book we studied a while back with the Bloom Book Club (Strong Women, Soft Hearts by Paula Rinehart) and I thought I'd share some quotes in case anyone else heading to the conference is a little know.
And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to bloom. ~Anais Nin
Fear is truly the enemy of passion and a roadblock to the wisdom God would give us. ~Paula Rinehart
Because real risking in faith can occur only in those areas of life where we feel most impoverished and vulnerable, it never becomes something we are really comfortable with. For each layer that builds up, another, more challenging risk is offered. True faith choices, therefore, always feel like risks; they just go on, involving deeper and deeper levels of our being. Each choice remains difficult, what really becomes conditioned in this process is simply our willingness and readiness to take the risks of faith. They never stop feeling like risks.~Paula Rinehart
So this thing we are doing, whether we are doing it confidently or doing it afraid, we must do it. I am willing to take this risk, this thing that feels like I'm losing my footing, this unknown, this vulnerable, hard, exciting place. God is surely leading me, and it truly is more painful to stay where I am than to go. He is my strong tower, my refuge. In Him will I trust.
Are you facing a real faith risk? Is God requiring something new and challenging of you?
Hello Monday #59
5 days ago
6 friends had this to say:
I'm interested in your speaking, promotional ideas, and the photo. I, too, was told to have a professional photo done for promotions for the book, which I haven't had done yet. I've read about She Speaks on several blogs but don't really know what that is. Are you on a speakers circuit, or trying to? If so, wonderful. I just posted about a local author, Patty Bultman, who is doing that to promote her new book. It is challenging, disappointing, but rewarding, too, all in one. Good luck and God bless!
YES!! WORSHIP LEADER at church..I have been alternating with two other girls for about a year now and well one of them is soon will be the time to step up into a more fulltime role and I was told that we were going to looking into LIVESTREAMING worship...AHHHH but in my heart it is what I have always wanted. May I be small and humble and show HIM BIG and ABLE!
Very exciting that you are apart of 'She Speaks', I am one of Jen's biggest fans and now I can cheer you on too.
And on the promoting yourself? Jesus will do all the work as long as you promote Him and give Him all of the glory.
I personally saw this happen with my sis when they were adopting a child. The way they promoted Jesus thru each step they ended up all over in the papers, the news, the public BIG time and they NEVER once even opened their mouth about anything except the name of Jesus. It was AMAZING, and so God. He can do this for you too!
Let that Holy Spirit fill you up, and you won't go wrong.
So glad I stopped over and read your last two posts!
As She Speaks approaches, I think we are all battling nerves, but you seem to be resting in a good place, Him.
Just the few lines from your proposal sound amazing, and regardless of the outcome, He has given you the desire to share this message. . .it will happen.
I hear you, Sister! Great post!
I'm trying to get in the hang of "self-promotion", as well. The whole "self" part just seems to go against the One we should really be promoting. My prayer is for balance. I have really enjoyed visiting your blog. I'm on a bit of a tour, visiting blogs of fellow She Speaks graduates. I think I've hung out at your place longer than any other stop. I have really enjoyed reading about your experience at the conference.
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