Tonight I sit secluded in my parents' guest room, my mom out of town and my dad asleep on the couch. :)
This week has found me struggling to prepare my book proposal for She Speaks. And after two days of wrestling - because that's what it has felt like, complete with a sore back and neck - I have put it down for the moment to hear God speak.
He is so patient with me and He is faithful even when I am not. I can see Him sitting down, leaned back with His arms folded and smiling at me with that look that says, "Whenever you're ready...I'm waiting..."
The ironic thing is as I put pressure on myself to perform and try to perfect this book proposal in my own strength, I am reminded of a line in my summary:
"This book is aimed at women and mothers of all ages struggling to catch their breath in a world that measures success by accomplishments, titles and positions, and worldly gain..."
And then I remember a quote from one of my chapters:
"Our satisfaction and contentment, our peace and security, our joy and fulfillment...come only when the void that screams "More!" is filled with the One whose name encompasses everything we will ever need."
This week I have taken a detour and filled myself with personal demands and expectations. For three days I have forgotten my purpose. It is not to publish a book, it is not to attend a writer's conference, and it is not to be perfectly dressed, perfectly prepared or perfectly versed for my elevator pitch.
It is to surrender.
It is to love.
It is to answer when He calls.
It is to allow Him to be perfect in my weakness, to shine through my imperfections and broken places, and to allow Him to speak through the words He inspires me to write silently or say aloud. If that means publishing a book, awesome. If not, that's okay, too.
Tonight I surrender and worship and listen. As Moses cried out in Exodus 33, I, too, want to see His glory. I, too, want to know He has given me grace for the road ahead. I, too, want to go only if His presence goes with me.
Is there something you are struggling with right now? Won't you lay it down and spend time with your Father? I can see Him sitting down, leaned back with His arms folded and smiling at you with that look that says, "Whenever you're ready...I'm waiting..."
Hello Monday #59
5 days ago
8 friends had this to say:
Love it so very much, Shelly. Thank you for expressing one of our many "issues" so eloquently and accurately. Help us, Father, to flow in synch with Your rhythms, instead of trying to pound our own...Looking forward to seeing you at SS.
Shelly, It is so difficult to lay it all down. ALL OF IT. Thank you for your honesty and your willingness to share. That is the biggest part of this battle that God's girls have to fight. The lie that we have to have all the answers, good grief, most of the time we don't even know the question. Praying for you and for His words to speak to your heart and that His desires flow forth. God bless.
Hi Shelly,
I think there is a lot of that going around. I blogged about the same thing last night. Check it out if you want, in your spare time, lol!
See you soon!
Yep, this one is a toughie for sure. And I totally can relate. Praying these truths you've written will continue to seep into your heart and that you will be blessed at shespeaks.
Sister, obviously God was speaking loud and clear to you. He will make your "paths" straight. If He wants you to publish a book, He'll make a way. If not, know that it's not about the "avenues" that we are able to take . . . those forks in the road . . . it's about whether or not you obey Him. I've learned that so often my "troubles" are truly only opportunities to draw nearer to God and incline His heart. That's what a relationship with Him is all about. Praying for you as you seek His heart.
Me, too. Good luck getting ready!
This gave me Holy Ghost bumps--it's exactly what I needed to hear right now. Thank you, and saying a prayer for you now.
Thank you, girls...I am saying a prayer for each of you this morning.
love and blessings,
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