Happy Mother's Day!! :)
I hope that today has been a special day and that you know how important you are!
I have been blessed with 3 amazing children and a wonderful husband! I LOVE being a mother!
I also have the greatest mom and mother in law a girl could ask for! Happy Mother's Day to the both of you!! I love you with all my heart and thank God for you.
We had an anointed service at church this morning, with many people receiving Christ as their Savior and even more families dedicating their children to the Lord! Pastor spoke on the responsibilities that come with parenting and how important it is to train our children in the ways of the Lord (Proverbs 22:6). With so much influence coming from the world, we must instill Godly values in our home AND teach our children to build a relationship with their heavenly Father. Pastor's text this morning was from 1 Samuel, as he told the story of Hannah and her sacrifice to the Lord. After God answered her prayer and gave her a son, Samuel, she dedicated him to the service of the Lord. Because of his mother's prayers, (which eventually changed the nation!!) Samuel grew up to become a judge and a great prophet, providing spiritual leadership to his nation during a dark period. Like Hannah, we as mothers have a responsibility to pray for and dedicate our children to the Lord so that they, like Samuel, will grow up to become great leaders, able to hear the voice of God when He calls their name.
Today is the first day to discuss our book, Strong Women, Soft Hearts! I am so excited! The post on The Bloom Book Club will be put up tonight (I just checked and it's not there yet). As soon as it is posted and I am able to view it, I will then post my thoughts here on my blog on chapter one. It's soooo good! Seriously, I have read it several times and have definitely left my mark! (Do you write in your books, too?) I know that some of you have not received your books yet, but hopefully you'll get them early this week!
Check back later tonight for a review on chapter one and feel free to comment or post your thoughts! I would love to hear what God spoke to you! And don't forget to go to The Bloom Book Club blog and watch the video of Angie and Jessica discussing chapter one!
Hello Monday #59
5 days ago
2 friends had this to say:
And Happy Late Mother's Day to you Shelly :D
Thank you :)
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