Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Unglued Blog Hop Week 5 - Negative Inside Chatter

Those whispers Lysa shares on page 141 of Chapter 10?

I have known them all too well.

You are not liked.
Who are you to think you can do that?
Why did you say that? Everyone thinks you're annoying.
Your kids just illustrated every inadequacy you have as a mom.
You are invisible.

Yes, I have heard these same words. I have felt their impact and experienced their torment.

Even now on the eve of something outside of my comfort zone, something stretching me, something I keep quiet because I may fail or it may not work or may not be good enough...these words kidnap joy and plant seeds of doubt.

Lysa asks, "Why do we let such destructive words fall hard on our souls?"

Fall hard on our souls...

These words do weigh heavy.

These thoughts steal dreams and render gifts inactive.

These. Words.

When Paul said in Philippians 4:8, "Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things," he wasn't just talking about keeping our mind out of the gutter or resisting the urge to plot revenge on the person who cut us off in the school pick-up line.

You see, these thoughts that we allow to invade our minds and crush our souls? They are not true or noble or just or pure or lovely or of good report. In fact, they are just the opposite.

These words, these thoughts affect us. If left alone to wreak havoc, that they will. Negative words and thoughts can immobilize us and keep us from reaching our greatest potential.

Paul continues in verse 9, "...and the God of peace will be with you."

There is not a lot of peace following negative inside chatter.

On pg. 145 Lysa says, "Thinking runaway, worrisome thoughts is just an invitation to anxiety." This is so true. Many times we over think a situation, read too much into something, misinterpret a text message, or allow our insecurities to fabricate a scenario that never even happened causing us to become anxious, fearful, and emotional.

Lysa encourages us on pg 144 to "park our minds on constructive thoughts, not destructive thoughts. Thoughts that build us up not tear us down. Thoughts that breathe life into us, not suck life from us."

I love the three questions she gives to help hold runaway thoughts, assumptions, and misperceptions in check:
  • Did someone actually say this or am I making assumptions about what they're thinking?
  • Am I actively immersing myself in truth?
  • Are there situations or relationships that feed my insecurities?
These questions are not the cure-all, but they are a great place to start in helping to silence the negative chatter inside our heads. Taking our thoughts captive and replacing them with truth from the Word of God will empower us to become the women of God we were created to be.

"Addressing the issue of inside chatter will lead us to freedom. Not just freedom from negative things like doubt and insecurities, confusion, and suspicion. But freedom to pour out love on others. Freedom to think clearly. Freedom to obey God's call on our lives no mater what others think. Our thoughts really matter...After all, how a woman thinks is often how she lives," (p 149).

I am determining to think on and live out only truth today and every day...won't you join me? :)

Joining the blog hop at Melissa's Place.

3 friends had this to say:

Unknown said...

Amazing post. Thank you so much for sharing.

Shelly said...

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your kind words, Laina! :) Hugs!

Nicky Abram said...

Hi Shelly, this is very interesting and true. I read not long ago that we must ignore these negative comments from proabably insecure folks and the thoughts that they provoke in our minds and not be afraid to talk to new people again..just thinking of how much the Lord loves us..takes practice..Have a blessed week. Love from..Italy..