No matter where I may be at the moment, or what my circumstances are, His presence always refreshes and sustains me. Set aside some quiet time with Him and be refreshed and renewed in His presence this weekend.
(Reposting from 2010)
All morning my spirit sang "My soul longs for soul longs for You..." Over and over again.
I could feel an invitation. It was an appointed time for me to fellowship with my Father, and I could find no words other than the five I had recited a hundred times already...
My soul longs for You...
With each breath I spoke these words came an increase in their depth and meaning.
My soul longs for You...
I spoke them until I could speak no more. I was captivated and captured by His holy presence and my words failed me.
From deep within, my spirit uttered words outside of my understanding and beyond my human comprehension. There were no words in my vocabulary appropriate or adequate for this moment...
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts...
Wonderfully amazing.
Indescribably good.
Like nothing on earth.
There is a yearning on the inside of each of us. A longing only our Creator can satisfy. No matter how or what we try to substitute, there is nothing or no one worthy to fill the place that cries out for Him.
My soul DOES long for Him....
And sometimes, whether in times of visitation, worship, repentance, brokenness or desperation, often our words fail us.
I am reminded of the song by Amy Grant, "Better Than a Hallelujah."
We pour out our miseries
God just hears a melody
Beautiful the mess we are
the honest cries of breaking hearts...
...the silence when the words don't come...
...better than a hallelujah sometimes...
It's not in the eloquence of our speech, the perfection in our posture, impressive vocabulary, or any righteousness we think we might have, but in the beauty of our brokenness, coming to God just as we are...
Answer Him when He calls.
Open the door when He knocks.
Say yes to His invitation.
Let Him be the One to satisfy the longing that only He can.
Hello Monday #59
5 days ago
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