(Re posting from 2008)
Moses felt inadequate and questioned God about sending him to rescue the Israelites.
Ex. 3:11 "Who am I, that I should go and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?"
He felt inadequate because he was! ....in himself. But God did not expect him to do it alone or in his own strength.
Again Moses reminded God of his inadequacies and weaknesses (like He didn't already know!) and pleaded with Him to reconsider and send someone else.
v.10 "O Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue."
v.13 "O Lord, puhleeeaaassseeee (emphasis added) send someone else to do it."
First, God's reply was -
v.11 "Who gave man his mouth? Who made him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say."
and then
v.12 And God said "I WILL BE WITH YOU"
But after Moses continued to beg to be replaced by someone more qualified or with a Masters in Speech and Communication :-) , God agreed to let Aaron (Moses' brother) go and speak for him.
Moses was so overcome with feelings of inadequacy that he could not trust even God's ability to help him. Been there.
My friend J. (quiltermamma) commented on my last post about the bible stories we heard growing up. No mention of struggles, inadequacies or weaknesses for the most part. (Where's the reality in that?!) Just plain ole superheros of the bible! But truth is, they were ordinary people like you and me. People (superheros) who had struggles and problems and issues. People who when God called them to do something, sometimes didn't think they could do what He was asking! But the one thing that I believe gave them superhero status was that they did it anyway! Even if they whined a little in the beginning (or ran away for awhile!), they eventually obeyed and fulfilled their mission, their assignment. They allowed God to do great things through them.
Each of us has been given an assignment. Probably several assignments. Let's remember what God told Moses, "I will be with you." He doesn't expect us to go alone. He knows our weaknesses and inadequacies. The great thing is, He loves us anyway! And He doesn't change His mind about His plans for us!
I have so often been filled with feelings of inadequacy and thoughts of "I can't" or "There's no way" or "You want me to do what??" or "How, God?" or "Can't you send someone else??" and the list goes on! When the world (and the church) so freely exercises their judgement and takes pride in exposing other peoples' weaknesses, stepping out in faith and doing something you've never done before and don't feel qualified to do can be terrifying! I mean, leaving the wilderness with your GPS set for Egypt can be a little less than exciting! (Especially when the last time you were there you were a wanted man!)
Moses was worried about how the people would respond to him.
Ex. 4:1 What if they do not believe me or listen to me and say "The Lord did not appear to you."
As Moses, I too have also done this many times. The What-If Game. I can sit and play several scenarios in my head of different things that COULD or MIGHT go wrong. What if I mess up? What if I say the wrong thing? What if they hate me? What if? What if? What if?
When we put our eyes on the people and not the assignment, we get into big trouble. People can be scary! (Can I get an amen?) And mean!
So, as I am traveling once again through the Old Testament, I am being reminded that I am a perfect candidate for helping to carry out God's plans and purposes on the earth. My resume is filled with some of the same "qualifications" as Moses and other bible superheros. Not that I should be ok and content with my weaknesses and inadequacies, but that I should not let them be a reason or excuse to give my assignment to someone else or allow them to stop me from fulfilling my purpose. God choose me (and you) even with all of our flaws. We have to learn to trust God's ability, and not our own. He is a big God. And even when we don't, He knows what He is doing.
Hello Monday #59
5 days ago
3 friends had this to say:
This is such a great post. I too am like Moses, full of hesitation. Good thing I realize that every time I do that, I won't be delivered to the "promise land." So I try my best to stay in faith, and go do what God wants me to.
I love this post! As I was reading your thoughts, I had trouble telling where your thoughts stopped and mine began. I was reminded of a post I wrote entitled, "Answering His Call" http://www.heartprintsofgod.com/2010/01/answering-his-call.html earlier this year.
It is in our weakness that God's strength is made perfect. It is when we say, "Lord, I can't..but I'm still willing"...that the Lord CAN and WILL do awesome things through us.
Thanks for the smiles, the honesty, and the conviction to say YES!
Moses is so funny! He did all of that before going and he did most of the talking himself when he got there... it's good to know that God doesn't expect us to be out there doing it alone. We'd be crazy to take up that challenge!
Shelly, keep reposting! :)
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