Last night I heard a familiar question....
What things in my life are producing good fruit and what things are producing bad fruit or no fruit at all?...And of those things (areas) that are producing good fruit, is it necessary, lasting fruit, characteristic of my Father?
This question once again challenges me to take a look at my life, my habits, my daily activities, ....and evaluate. Evaluate, and then....chop chop. (oh.... my....)
But I thought I had already done this?....
You mean, I have to do it more than once? (smile....)
This may seem a vexing task, but it is
The task itself is tedious, laborsome, and could possibly even hurt. But the results are mucho favorable! :) (if done properly, that is.). The dead or non producing areas are cut away so that a bountiful harvest has room to spring forth from those good fruit bearing areas. :) But even those things bearing good fruit have to be studied, evaluated and pruned, so that any unwanted growth or bitter fruit can be pruned away, allowing new, indelible, abiding fruit to blossom . It's much easier to allow God to do this for me. I'm not very experienced in gardening. :)
I would probably keep all the wrong things and throw away some things that I should've kept.
Not my will, but Yours be done......
You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and I have appointed you [I have planted you], that you might go and bear fruit and keep on bearing, and that your fruit may be lasting [that it may remain, abide], so that whatever you ask the Father in My Name [as [a]presenting all that I AM], He may give it to you. ~John 15:16 Amplified
Hello Monday #59
5 days ago
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