Thursday, February 28, 2013

Because He Said So

"Why, mom?!"

"Because I said so!" I replied. "I don't have to give you a reason. The answer is just NO."

As I walked away the words echoeing in my ear sounded strangely familiar.

Suddenly transported back to a time of curfews and acid washed denim I remembered how often I had asked the same question and was met with the same answer. "No."

"Why not?"

"Because I said so," my mother would respond, "and you'll just have to trust me. One day you will understand."

One day, this day, I understood.

Sometimes there are no words of explanation, 
just a call to obedience.

My heart was pricked and I knew God was speaking to me.

Like a child, I often stomp my feet and demand an answer or reason when God simply whispers, "No."

"But's a good thing!"

"But God...I've waited so long..."

"But God...why?"

I now understand His silence.

Because He said so. That's all. No explanation necessary.

Trust and obey...I wish I could say this is always my natural response - instant obedience and unconditional trust - but you already have a picture of me stomping my feet so I won't even try.

I don't always make the right decisions, but my God is big enough to pick me up and put me back on the path He has chosen for me.

I am not perfect, but I'm growing closer to the One who is.

And to continue my journey sucessfully, I have to trust that He can see the flashing lights ahead, the  bridge that's broken and uncrossable, or the storm that can be avoided by taking a different route.

And I have to obey.

Even if I don't understand why.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. ~Proverbs 3:5-6

2 friends had this to say:

Shakin' the Foundation said...

Great word!!!


Nicky Abram said...

Well said and to the point. God bless x