Sunday, January 9, 2011

Time of Progression-Part 2: Arise and Go Over

Moving from one place to another always involves change.  Whether spiritually, physically, emotionally or mentally, change is imminent to get from here to there.

And since moving forward is an action, it requires that we DO. 

Do something or stay where we are.

Consider Joshua after Moses had died.

And God said..."Moses my servant is dead.  Now therefore, arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which I am giving them - the children of Israel." Joshua 1:2

The word ARISE in the Hebrew is QUWM which means to arise, stand, rise up, stand up, become powerful, come on the scene, to be established, be confirmed, be valid, to be proven, to be fulfilled, to carry out.

God was calling Joshua to ARISE.  Moses was dead and it was Joshua's appointed time to stand up and be established in the place that God had planned for him.

But in order for Joshua to ARISE, to be established and fulfilled, there was something else he had to do.

He had to GO OVER.

In this scripture, the word OVER in the Hebrew is ABAR which means to pass over, to pass beyond, to emigrate, leave (one's territory), cease to exist, to become invalid, become obsolete, to be alienated.

Are you getting the picture?

Joshua had to leave his territory, what was familiar to him.  Life as he knew it had to cease to exist.  His old methods, way of thinking and doing things were now obsolete.  He had to leave the past in the past.  God was doing a new thing.

Joshua was staring his destiny in the face, and he had to take action.

God had already commanded him in Deuteronomy 31:23 to “Be strong and courageous, for you will bring the Israelites into the land I promised them on oath, and I myself will be with you.

So when God instructed Joshua to cross over, it should have been easy for him to say yes and answer the call, right?

Let's take a look at a few verses after God told Joshua to cross over.

God says in Joshua 1:6  "Be strong and courageous..."

And again in verse 7 “Be strong and very courageous..."

And again in verse 9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Even though Joshua had already proven to be a great leader while Moses was still alive, I can imagine that somewhere between verses 1 through 9 there was (possibly) a war going on inside of him.  "Do I go or do I stay?"...  "I can't do this!"..."Moses was a mighty man of God, how can I lead these people as he led them?"..."There must be some mistake."  "Oh, God!  Are you sure?"

But in verse 10 Joshua took courage as the Lord commanded and began giving instructions and preparing for his time of progression, his time to Arise and Go Over.

And when the time came, you can almost hear the excitement and level of faith in his voice as he told the people...."Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you!”  (Joshua 3:5).

He knew he was called and as he moved out in faith he was expecting God to show up!

and then...the LORD said to Joshua, “Today I will begin to exalt you in the eyes of all Israel, so they may know that I am with you as I was with Moses." (Joshua 3:7)

God trusted and knew that Joshua was able to do what He was asking.

When Joshua made the decision to answer the call, he learned personally that God is a Keeper of  His promises.  He trusted God with his whole heart and stepped into his destiny.

God is always faithful.  If He is telling you to do something, He will not ask you to go alone.

All He asks is that you go, and when you go...

Be strong and courageous.

Be strong and very courageous.

It is time to move forward into the plans and purposes that God has for you (and me). 

It is time to ARISE and GO OVER!

God still speaks.  I know you hear Him. 

What is it that He is asking you to do? 

2 friends had this to say:

Heidi said...

I really enjoyed how you brought Joseph to a place where we could relate to him. You're right we do hear him, but we tend to waffle a little and isn't it wonderful that He continues to encourage us along not giving up on us. Arise and Go Over... thank you Jesus that we do none of it alone. Great post!

Sharon said...

So very empowering, Shelly!

I like how you pointed out that there were two parts of Joshua answering his call.

The first - arise. Many times when I'm feeling defeated, just getting UP is difficult. God says, "Be strong..."

The second - go over. Sometimes I think I've "made it" spiritually when I'm standing up finally. But then, we are also called to move. God says, "Be very courageous."

HE knows the way is scary - that's why He goes with us!

What is God asking me to do? To trust Him and His timing - but also to start taking steps forward.