Tonight the house is quiet except for the last load of laundry tumbling in the dryer. My thoughts wander and then stop at a window of time from six years ago.
Six years ago this month I was in my last trimester of my pregnancy with my youngest, Logan, who was to be born December 13. It was also this month six years ago that I had surgery to remove melanoma from my right shoulder. And on this very day, six years ago I was at my sister's wedding. (Happy Anniversary, sis.)
I remember sitting on a porch swing at the resort where the wedding was to be held. I could feel God holding me. Praise music and earphones to my ears and also on my belly, my unborn baby and I praised Him together that all would be well.
My unborn baby... who was a complete surprise and not in our plans.
But God's plans are so much greater than ours.
I remember the doctor saying that because of the pregnancy hormones in my body, the spot on my shoulder changed more rapidly and the cancer grew more aggressively,making it easier to recognize that something was wrong, prompting the removal and biopsy. In a sense, me being pregnant saved me. I'm so glad His plans are greater than mine.
And I knew God had a special plan for Logan.
For many months of my pregnancy, Logan - while still in my womb - praised God with me. Morning after morning we would pray, praise and listen together. I remember after he was born how the same praise music would soothe him, because he remembered and was comforted in God's presence.
He still worships today and will declare to anyone who is interested that he is a worshipper. I watch him dance and wave flags on Sunday mornings, declaring that Jesus is Lord. I listen as he prays and talks to God as a close friend. He is five.
This week we were at my moms and he walked on the porch with his left arm hanging limp and peering down as if looking at something. My mom asked what he was doing and he said "God is holding my hand."
I believe He was.
Just as He held me on the porch swing six years ago, and many times since then. He now holds my child.
Oh God, Let me not forgot. Let me not get too busy.
How many times during the day is God wanting to hold our hand but we are in too big of a hurry to notice?
Oh, that we could be as children. That we could walk and know that God is holding our hand...That He is with us.
It is His presence that sustains me.
On this day, though my life is far from perfect, I have so much to be thankful for. I pray that my heart remains sensitive and that I remain pliable in His hands. That I might be molded for His plans and purposes that are so much greater than mine.
Today I celebrate.
I celebrate life and second chances.
I celebrate my children and God's plans and purposes.
I celebrate my family and friends.
And I celebrate my God, my Savior, my Healer, my Redeemer, my Deliverer.
King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Worthy to be praised.
A Holy God who loves me...and you.
Won't you celebrate Him with me today?
Hello Monday #59
5 days ago
7 friends had this to say:
Beautiful Shelly, absolutely beautiful!
Shelly - This was beautiful. Logan sounds like the most precious boy - would you give him a hug for me? The "picture" of him with his hand holding God's hand was just too cute. How wonderful child-like faith is - I never want to be so busy that I forget that He is holding my hand...
I stand and celebrate with you today! Tell Logan to get out another flag, and I'll go put on my dancing shoes!!
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Thank you for allowing us to "remember" and celebrate with you, Shelly. What a beautiful testimony of God's faithfulness to always work everything for our good and His glory. He IS altogether lovely. This post attests to that!!!!!
Thank you for sharing such an amazing post!!
Can you see me waving my happy flag of celebration all the way from Australia? I am !!!
I'm thrilled to recognize God's amazing ways with His children and rejoice with you. God touches us in so many ways - thanks for sharing your encounter with Him!
Dorothy :)
Oh what a wonderful post! Just gives me goosebumps thinking of your precious boy holding God's hand, worshipping so uninhibitedly, loving the Lord with such intimate he gets older, he will continue to do so, and ungodly forces will attack...pray he remains uninhibited, continuing to love the Lord, no matter what the cost, for the older they get, the price becomes so high! Your prayer is wise, sweet momma, what a splendid testimony!
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