Hearing His Voice Above All The Noise
Posted by Shelly at 1:10 PM 10 friends had this to say
Labels: imperfect prose, love, refining, surrender
(Part 2 of the message I heard Sunday is further proof that my Pastor is sneaking a peek at my notes.)
As my Pastor stated Sunday morning, there is a diminished presence of God's Spirit in the church today.
"And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved." ~Matthew 24:12-13 NKJ
The Spirit of lawlessness has invaded the last day church. The King James uses the word iniquity. The transliterated word for iniquity in the Greek is anomia which means the condition of without law; because ignorant of it; because of violating it; contempt and violation of law, iniquity, wickedness (source). The sin that separates us from the presence of God is anything in violation or contradiction to God's Word. There are a multitude of things that have become common and acceptable in the world that are completely contradictory to the Word of God and they have found their way into the church, a blending of values.
Jesus is speaking not to unbelievers, but to the church in Revelation when He says, "I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of my mouth" Revelation 3:15-16.
A blending of cold and hot...make lukewarm. A blending of the world's normal with bits and pieces of the truth of God's Word ....makes one lukewarm. Jesus said He would rather we be cold. Halfheartedness is not pleasing to God but rather like a cheating spouse, an extramarital affair, a breaking of covenant, a betrayal.
The church as a whole is operating at minimal capacity. Although some would appear to be thriving, they are void of the Spirit of God. Building earthly kingdoms that will not stand, bound by legalism, religion and the traditions of man and operating in criticism, judgment and condemnation. I have been there and this is not God.
Blended Christianity, accepting of popular opinion while rejecting Truth. This is not God.
God is love.
And He is calling His children back to Himself. Everything He does in relationship to us is done in love. Even in chastisement and correction, He loves. We must turn from our sin, be bold in our faith, immerse ourselves in His presence and begin to walk in the authority that has been given to us. We must seek Him, not man or man's opinions or ideas or approval. We must seek Him and hear His voice.
The Israelites wanted to go back to Egypt because they didn't have a vision for their future. Sunday evening, our guest speaker, Bob Griffin, explained it so well. Because of sin, their vision was clouded. They could not perceive what God was wanting to do. They were in a place of non-perception. Sin and religion cut us off from seeing God's plan, from hearing His voice and will cause us to shrink back from the great things He is wanting to do in and through us.
In John 20:22 after Jesus was raised from the dead, He came and stood in the midst of His disciples and breathed on them to receive the Holy Spirit... the same breath that breathed life into man in Genesis 2:7. It is the Holy Spirit in us that empowers us to live... empowers us to live the life we were created to live, to walk in the authority we've been given, to accept the task before us with confidence.
God is in pursuit of His children. He is calling us to a higher place of obedience, faithfulness and love. Let us see and hear. Let us not shrink back, but advance in the power of the Holy Spirit, ready to conquer ground yet to be conquered.
When the call seems too great, allow God to breathe into you the breath of life and empower you with the Holy Spirit. There are big assignments waiting to be completed. There is a path waiting to be chosen. There is a door waiting to be opened.
I refuse to go back.
(If you missed Part One: God's Holy Pursuit, click here to read)
Today I am linking with Jen at Finding Heaven for Soli Deo Gloria.
Posted by Shelly at 7:42 PM 4 friends had this to say
Labels: encouragement, God still speaks, God. love
Posted by Shelly at 5:27 PM 8 friends had this to say
Labels: Genesis, God still speaks, God. love, presence
(Linking a past post with Emily for Imperfect Prose)
Head on our pillow, our body rests but our mind cannot.
Unrest and worry attempt to grip our soul.
Tempted to give in, our mind wanders and begins to doubt.
Suddenly there seems less air to breathe...squeezed and emptied, our faith becomes small.
Uncertainty and fear take root.
Reeling from the events of the day - the month - we become servants to our circumstances and the thoughts they provoke.
In those times when we feel there is nothing else, no one else, no place to turn, our head hangs low, our feet stumble...fingers groping in the dark we long for something to grab on to.
But when we find the courage to look up - we see that there is a hand reaching out - arms open, waiting to pull us up...
...waiting to embrace us.
In our surrendering, we find Him.
In our brokenness, we are able to heal.
In our healing, we find that every suffering, every valley, every disappointment serves a greater purpose.
With all the uncertainty in this imperfect world - in our life - He is the one thing that remains constant. His love for us is certain. He is unchanging - the same yesterday, today and forever.
And in our weakness, His power is displayed and made perfect.
But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses so that Christ's power may rest on me. 2 Corinthians 12:9
I can't do it alone.
And I don't have to...
No matter my circumstances, His grace is sufficient for me. For you.
I hold on to Him.
The Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. Isaiah 58:11
I will trust in Him.
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your path. Proverbs 3:5-6
I know that He has a plan.
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28
Posted by Shelly at 12:40 AM 6 friends had this to say
Labels: expectation
Posted by Shelly at 9:52 AM 2 friends had this to say
Posted by Shelly at 2:31 PM 18 friends had this to say
Labels: encouragement, fear, unqualified
Posted by Shelly at 11:38 AM 9 friends had this to say
Labels: God still speaks, out with the old
Posted by Shelly at 12:46 AM 8 friends had this to say
Labels: 5 Minute Friday
today i am linking up with emily for imperfect prose on thursdays
and i leave behind capitalization, punctuation and fluff
choosing instead unedited thoughts and transparency
because sometimes we just need to talk
no walls, no rules, no expectations
i must confess this type of post scares me more than any other
words written are not forgotten and do not disappear
what is it that frightens one in sharing, in being open
i ask this question and know there are many answers
fear being the root of all combined
rejection, judgment, condemnation, misunderstandings, opinions
but when i think of all these, and then Him
the others seem to lose importance
silly and irrelevant to this space i now occupy
once lost in what seemed a found place
bound by the unworthy and untrue
tangled and alone and thirsty
even now should i accept all things
i might travel that road once taken
but forgetting those things behind i press on
keeping my eyes on the one who saves me
when hard days come and clouds threaten
i remember he never changes
i remember his words and they are true
i remember he still speaks
and i listen
what is this all for if not for him
no longer interested in this thing created by man
i choose him
brought into a large place
i choose him
rescued and redeemed
i choose him
forgiven and set free
i choose him
just him
Posted by Shelly at 12:08 AM 5 friends had this to say
Labels: wordless wednesday
Saturday was an incredible, intense day of worship, repentance, praise and prayer. Over 30,000 people attended The Response in Houston, TX and I was honored to have been a part of it. Over 100,000 others joined online via live-streaming video (that number is probably much greater given the churches who hosted the event only counted as one hit on the internet although there were many in attendance at each location).
Posted by Shelly at 11:01 AM 13 friends had this to say
Labels: repentance, The Response
Linking with the Gypsy Mama on this Friday...
I don't always feel whole. Sometimes there's empty, sometimes there's lack, sometimes it feels like there is something missing. I can imagine I am not alone. Brokenness would seem to chip off pieces here and there, leaving some out, losing some, forgetting others. How can one be whole when one has been broken?
When the One doing the repairing is the One who formed the world and fashioned our being, the One whose own perfection knows exactly where the pieces fit perfectly together...yes, one can be whole when the Master Creator touches His masterpiece once again.
When this world leaves me broken, I cannot repair myself. When people wound and dreams die and bubbles burst, I don't have to remain shattered. I can be whole. When I realize I am complete in Him no matter who, no matter what, no matter why...when I give myself to Him without hesitation, without reservation....when I become wholly His, I am whole.
For more impromptu five minute posts on the topic WHOLE, visit THE GYPSY MAMA.
Posted by Shelly at 12:37 AM 11 friends had this to say
Labels: 5 Minute Friday
Today I am linking with 5 Minutes for Mom on Wordless Wednesday.
Posted by Shelly at 8:10 AM 4 friends had this to say
Labels: wordless wednesday
I am studying Genesis 1:1-2 for one of the chapters in my book.
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." KJV
I'm trying to study further the phrase MOVED UPON at the end of verse 2. What does this mean exactly? Why move over the waters, why hover? Was he waiting, thinking, planning, resting? How long was he there?
Sorry, my brain just thinks like this. And I'm no biblical scholar or master of Hebrew studies so thought I would ask for some input.
I found a post by Jeff A. Benner (anyone know anything about him?) on Hebrew translations titled, "The Poetry of Genesis Chapter One," and he said that actually verse 2 is restating verse 1, implying that they are not separate chronological events but instead saying the same thing in a different way. He went on to explain that the word "and" in Hebrew is not used as we would use it (to combine multiple, separate and individual things) but to link two statements as one. So, according to Him, verse 2 is just expanding God's initial creating of the heaven and earth in verse 1. He has a quick reference Hebrew dictionary that looks like something I might want. Anyone have it already or another tool you think I might like?
I often visit biblestudytools.com for studying Greek or Hebrew translations. For the word move in verse 2, it gives two other scriptures that use the same word with the same Hebrew meaning.
"As an eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her young, spreadeth abroad her wings, taken them, beareth them on her wings" Deuteronomy 32:11, and
"Mine heart within me is broken because of the prophets; all my bones shake; I am like a drunken man, and like a man whom wine hath overcome, because of the Lord and because of the words of His holiness" Jeremiah 23:9.
Considering these two verses and the implied meaning of the word in study, I can see the Spirit of God moving over the waters, hovering, shaking, fluttering, with us on His mind. He had a plan of creation which included us and His thoughts about us were about to manifest into existence.
I have some ideas (and personal opinions, of course) but wanted to hear yours first.
What are your thoughts?
Posted by Shelly at 12:25 PM 2 friends had this to say
Labels: Genesis
Posted by Shelly at 10:55 AM 9 friends had this to say
Labels: one thousand gifts, She Speaks, thankful