I am a (very late) thirty something mother of three very different children ages 18, 14 and 6.
I am married to my high school sweetheart and still love to remember the Friday night lights on the football field and hearing his name called after scoring a touchdown. :)
I am a simple girl who loves God and loves my family. We live on family property in the country within walking distance to my parents' house. I love to sit on their porch in the mornings and drink coffee while we watch the birds gathering at the feeder.
I am a daughter, a sister, a sister-in-law, an aunt, a grand-daughter, a niece, a cousin, a friend.
I am a writer, a homemaker, a student, a teacher, an exhorter, a volunteer, a life-time learner.
I am unworthy, yet chosen and spiritually adopted...I am a daughter of the King.
I pray that I can be as David was...a man (woman) after God's own heart. Messy and imperfect, yet connected to the One Who offers grace and forgiveness and the strength to become who I was created to be.
Here, on the pages of my journal, I invite you to come and listen as I pour out my story and what God is speaking to me. Life is a journey, filled with ups and downs, uncertainties, heartaches, joy, laughter, loss, victories, disappointment, miracles, and everything in between. I would love to walk with you as we travel home.
In a world of distractions it is easy to get lost and separated from the One Who is calling us to Himself daily, but if we quiet our souls and open our hearts we can hear the Master whisper our name.
For resume information or speaking engagements, please send an email to shellyafaust@gmail.com.