Day 11 since my surgery and I am going stir crazy. Recovery was going well until I decided to over-do it a little by walking up and down steps to get outside and next door. Soooo...I have been re-confined to my bed for the last three days and the rest of this weekend. I have a new appreciation for people who have to stay home or inside for any reason and any length of time.
I am not someone who struggles with depression but I can see how easy it would be for someone to find themselves in a dark place while recovering. Luckily, it comes natural for me to encourage myself when I feel myself slipping. Plus, I have had lots of amazing people from our church to bring dinner (and dessert) every night and my mom lives next door so she is always just a few seconds away.
I had plans to write and be productive while laying in the bed but can I just be honest? Those plans have not been fulfilled. Is it possible to be distracted by boredom? I've had all this "free" time placed in my lap and I can't even focus enough to read much less put organized thoughts down on paper.
Since my words are few, I will share my week with you again with pictures.

I took this pic on my last day outside this past week. I miss my garden but it will be exciting to see how much everything has grown in my absence!
My hubby built this little shed for feed and garden tools. I love old doors so when he made this new door out of old wood, it made me happy :)
My daughter's horse loves to peek in on the new rabbits. I think they've become friends.
Can you tell I would much rather be outdoors?
I joined a photo challenge on instagram and today's theme was "empty". I found this pile of empty containers that were once filled with dinners brought by special friends this week.
My mom and I are giving my sister a baby "sprinkle" (instead of a shower since big sister is sharing her stuff) in a few weeks. My mom brought over some things that could be completed from my recliner and without exerting too much energy. :) These are note cards for advice or encouragement from those who attend. They will be hung on a tabletop "tree" once completed.
And here they are again put together much nicer for a better pic. I love the colors of ribbon we are using to match the nursery. We also completed the super cute invitations (pic later).
I did get one thing written this week - one of my monthly articles for
Blissfully Domestic. Stay tuned for some great summer pedicure ideas!
Last but certainly not least, I will be joining an online Bible study tomorrow with
Melissa Taylor and others using Glynnis Whitwer's new book "I Used to Be So Organized." I have never been organized (at least the way I want to be) so I am hoping I can still pick up a some helpful tips and encouragement. Interested in joining this nine week study?
Read more about it here.
I hope you've had a fabulous week! School is out for us and we are ready to get on with our summer activities! A few more weeks of rest and recovery and we will be on our way to Sea World San Antonio (hopefully)! :) Until then, lots of movies and books and pizza! And luckily for the kids we live in the country so there's plenty to do outside - four wheelers, fishing, swimming, basketball, etc.
Do you have any special plans for summer?