Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Have I Made This Gospel Fit?

Last night I read a post on my friend Jen's page. She wrote of China and radical devotion and persecution and worship in the dark. Secret places and mountain caves and religion that is not free.

Her words and the picture created clenched my heart.

Jen...Just when we think we have given all, abandoned all, for His sake. We find, we have given little. A watered down faith, a comfortable gospel, a message that feels and fits just right. God is more. Thank you for stirring my heart with these words...Shelly

Would I have the courage to risk everything? Would my words be so bold? Would I desire enough to wake while everyone sleeps and love enough to be found hands lifted in a cave?

When compared, our worlds seem so different. Our faith, easy.

Suddenly, some things matter less. Some, not at all.

Other things matter more. Still others, most.

This life I live is not my own. Or is it?

Have I made this gospel fit?

Have I twisted and turned and stretched and found a way that is comfortable?

Have we?

Linking today with Emily for imperfect prose.


  1. American Christians can learn so much from our brothers and sisters around the world. Do you receive anything from Voice of the Martyrs? I love their newsletters. Helps put my faith in perspective and lift my eyes beyond my own self to see what it "really" means to suffer.


  2. Nice post..thank you for sharing...i love it...God bless you

  3. i know, dear shelly. i was so convicted by jen's post too. love this. thank you.


I'm so glad you stopped by for a visit today, sweet friends. Your comments always make me smile. :)